Monday, June 15, 2009

Hello Monday....Is it Friday yet?

I have had a lot to process this weekend. My stepkids mother has decided she will not be exercising her "extended" visitation this summer. She had been giving them grief over their sports and my husband just said, "Do you not want to get them?" She jumped on it. In fact, she doesn't even want her midweek visit that she normally has. She just wants every other weekend. My husband is making her bring the kids home on Monday morning vs. Sunday night as she isn't exercising her midweek visitation now.

I don't mind, but the problem is that I spend a lot of time on my stepkids, between drama with their mom, counselor appointments, near mental breakdowns when she denies them anything that makes them happy, crying jags over her never coming to their events....I really was looking forward to one-on-one time with my own children. I know it is best for my stepkiddos and I love them dearly. But I was conflicted.

I dealt with it. My wonderful husband and I brainstormed so I didn't have to neglect my own children to help him with his. I was feeling good and ready for the week. I was waiting for the stepkiddos to get there so I could leave for work. They are supposed to be there by 7:40am and I go to work at 8am. Five minutes until 8am....she shows up. I tell the kids to hurry in because I am late for a meeting. They all start telling me their mom wants their yearbooks. (She bought them yearbooks and they came in three weeks before school....she started hounding them to bring them to her house, but they wanted to get signatures so she told them to keep it is drama because they want to keep them where they are 90% of the time and she is insistent they bring them to her house....drama).

I leave and see her swing back around to my house. I am furious. She is not allowed on our property without us there. I call my husband and he calls her and she won't answer. My stepson calls dad and says she was beating on the door and screaming at him (which the neighbors confirm) and he opened the door and threw the books at her and locked the door.

I guess she stood there, demanding he open the door to hug him, but he wouldn't because he was mad too.

I took a deep breath and reminded myself, "Not my ex, not my kids, not my problem".....but every single ounce of me wanted to call the police and charge her with trespassing. I want her accountable for something and the one thing that she does the most (emotionally abandoning her children), there is no law against.....

Is it Friday yet????

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