Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Been one of THOSE days....how to let it go....

We all have those days. As a second wife and custodial stepmom and mother to two teenage boys from a previous marriage, my days come often. Whether I am dealing with a crazy ex-wife or filtering through emails I know my kids stepmom wrote, but signed my ex-husband's name....I get those moments...where there is a knot in the back of my neck the size of an orange. My jaw clenches. In my head, I am having the world's biggest fight with whoever irritated me at that moment. I sit down, open email and type out what I have always wanted to say, but never did....

And then I hit delete. I pour it all out and when I hit delete, I let it go. I know, deep down, whoever is irritating me at that moment, me telling them will only make my life more complicated. Like my stepkids mom is going to say, "Oh, you know, she is right....I am a fibbing witch!" Um....no. That email...it is for me, not them. It is to get all those things bouncing around in my head OUT. It is to verbalize and see in writing what I am screaming inside. I take a deep breath and I hit delete.

I once had my husband ask me, "Why write it at all?" I told him, "Remember that time your ex-wife called and we were on a 8 hour trip and for 6 hours, I stewed over everything you argued about and I bit your head off every time you asked me a question?" He said, "Yes....." I told him, "That's why...."

The moral to my story....find your outlet. Any time you are carrying a scorecard for someone, chalking up the wrongs they do, it is more work on you than them. Throw it away. Find your outlet and let it go :)

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